Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To Russia with Love

When individuals, governments, and religions are destructive, these acts are terrifying. The effectiveness of one individuals destructiveness was so brutally illustrated today. That bomb killed many, but the aftershocks of fear were felt by all.

Terrorism only works because of the media. The only infallible way to get western news cameras to pay attention to you is blow people up.. Is Fear factor still on T.V.? Ever fear for your life while watching fox news? How many times did you hear the phrase Fear Mongering during the health care debate? Scaring people works. Fear is the great motivator of humanity, it shapes our culture with it's intensity. (How long ago was the cold war?)

So, to whoever is the leadership behind these grotesque displays of fear- I think you have every right to be angry. You deserve to scream and be loud and scary. But couldn't 20 healthy people screaming their lungs off in a subway tunnel have accomplished the same thing as what you did today? Terror doesn't have to come at he cost of human lives. Find other ways. Stop doing these terrible things. Please.

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