Saturday, July 10, 2010

What me, Change?

Changing our environment starts with changing our thought processes- the easiest way to alter behavior is to increase monetary gain. People respond most readily to initiatives that effect the bottom line. Conserving land resources with ethical and economic devices allows for effective management of growth that can support the needs of human and natural elements of the landscape by reducing the human effect on the environment and finding ways to maximize resource utilization without compromising the ecological integrity of our land.

The geo-morphlogy of a stream is influenced as much humans factors as it has been by glaciers. The effects of farming, logging and construction on our watersheds have shape the land as powerfully as any hurricane or tornado. Social networking has reduced the amount of trees needed to make paper, but increased demand for lithium batteries and hydro-carbon energy. Technology and fashion are constantly shifting resource consumption. Remember Polyester?

Lets not let that happen again.

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